Andrew as a Man


Andrew Jackson was not only thought of as an American hero when it came to poltics.

He also was esteemed for being a determined, caring individual. 

These traits make him known as a great American hero not only for his political success, but for his upstanding personal life 


Andrew Jackson is known as one of the most determined and passionate people in American history.  Whenever Andrew believed in something, he would fight to the death for it.  Andrew was never a person to sacrifice his beliefs.  This determination has become  characteristic of Americans. 

Jackson was a determined individual.  When he believed in a cause, he would never sacrifice it.  For example, Even when standing up for what he believed in could have cost Andrew the presidency- he chose the will of the people over fame.  Even when everyone was against him telling him you can't do it, Andrew went against the times and stood up for his morals.  When he failed, Jackson kept trying.  For example, the first time he tried to eliminate the bank, he failed.  Many polticans stood against Andrew, threatening him, taunting him. But he didn't give up. He kept pushing for his belief. And in the end, he succeeded and the corrupt bank was eliminated.  Another example occured when Jackson, at first, lost the presidency.  Some would have gone back and tried a different career.. But not Jackson.  Jackson used his loss as a stimulus to try harder.  Eventually he did become president.

This kind of determination is often characteristic of those who accomplish much in history and in life.  Those who push themselves to succeed, like Jackson, often do. And in that can change the course of history itself.

Brave...One man with courage makes a majority -Andrew jackson

 Andrew Jackson’s bravery alone classifies him as an American hero.

Jackson fought in numerous wars to keep America safe.  In the War of 1812, Andrew served as a colonel of the Tennessee militia.  In the face of seeming defeat, Jackson led his troops to success, despite the odds.  His campaign was one marked by tenacity and success thus earning his the name “Old Hickory.”  His success and bravery in battle earned him the Thanks to Congress and a gold medal in 1815.  Jackson also fought in the Spanish-American War.

Andrew Jackson exhibited bravery in his own personal struggles with physical ailments.  During battle, a bullet was lodged in Jackson’s lung. This affected his entire life leaving his with continuous pain.  He also suffered from hacking coughs, stomach pains, and tuberculosis.  Yet through this all, Jackson never uttered one complaint.  He executed his presidential duties and obligations even in the height of physical struggle.

Many attempts were made to bring physical harm to Jackson.  Robert Randolph, an ex-navy discharge, attacked Jackson.  Richard Lawrence, a deranged fanatic, attempted to take Jackson’s life.  He pointed the gun at Jackson and fired--twice.  Yet twice the gun misfired.  Jackson escaped unskeeved.  Through all these attempts, Jackson never backed down and refused to be accompanied by a guard.  He remained steadfast, strong, and brave.

This bravery is just one characteristic that makes Andrew Jackson an American hero


Not only brave and determined, Andrew Jackson was also a family man. 

In 1794, Jackson married Rachel Robards.  The couple's marriage came under much scrutiny.  Yet through it all Jackson defended his beloved wife.  After Rachel's death in 1828, Andrew forever remained faithful to her.  He never married again and was said to look at her picture every night while going over the stresses of the days.

Jackson was also father of ten adopted children. Andrew and Rachel took in orphaned children who had no where else to go.  Jackson opened his family to those in need.